Circular economy in the value chain of social economy organisations


No âmbito do novo projecto europeu Just Green, dedicado à transição verde das organizações de economia social, realiza-se na próxima quarta-feira dia 16 de junho, o Webinar "Circular economy in the value chain of social economy organisations: WISEs working towards more responsible consumption".

A sessão será em inglês, sob a coordenação da ENSIE - Rede Europeia de Empresas de Inserção, e conta com a participação de diferentes stakeholders ligados à economia circular e à economia social.

Mais informações e inscrições.

🇬🇧 The Just Green project, is a Social Economy Missions project, funded by COSME. It aims to support the green transition of social economy organisations with the objective of developing strategies to bridge social economy and circular economy, to promote decarbonisation of the social economy, to foster short food supply chains and agroecology. The project will have a special interest in work integration social enterprises (WISEs).

The Webinar 'Circular economy in the value chain of social economy organisations: WISEs working towards more responsible consumption', on the 16th june, aims to present how WISEs, and the social economy in general, can contribute to the Green Deal, especially through the promotion of a more responsible consumption. Indeed, WISEs, are enterprises whose main objective is the social and professional integration of vulnerable people, they are at the core of the economic system and they propose a strong pedagogical dimension. They are also often working in the circular economy framework, operating in various sectors such as recycling, waste management, agriculture, environment, textile & furniture re-use,... WISEs can provide sustainable goods and services (from a social and an environmental perspective) to the general public and to local and regional authorities, through socially responsible public procurement. The event will start with a presentation of the connections between the social economy and circular economy. It will be followed by a focus on WISEs with a presentation of ENSIE's Anniversary campaign and key messages. Two specific themes will be then addressed, first "How can WISEs encourage responsible consumption" and then "How to develop WISEs and Social Economy at the local level, the example of socially responsible public procurement".

At the end of this event, some key messages will be identified, they will be presented to the political panel of the second event organised by ENSIE to celebrate its birthday on September 21st, they will also be used as a basis for the ENSIE 20th anniversary campaign. Those messages will also feed the reflections and the policy guidelines that will be issued at the end of the JustGreen project. 

More information and registration. | (+351) 91 662 77 33 | Facebook | Porto PT
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